Thursday, October 29, 2009

Measuring Focused Intent – Part 1

Some of the most famous mind-over-matter experiments were conducted over a twelve year period at the PEAR labs. PEAR is an acronym for Princeton Engineering Anomalies Research. Their experiments centered on a person as the controller who was attempting to influence the behavior of a REG device, which is a Random Event Generator. Basically, a REG acts as the computer equivalent of a coin flipper. Statistically, a coin will land on heads half the time and tails the other half. Instead of heads or tails, a REG spits out 1s and 0s at random with the same statistical split as the coin. (An early REG device is shown to the left.)

The target of the experiment was to get the REG to spit out either more 1s or 0s in a consistent stream, indicating that the events were no longer random. Over the course of the study, scientists were able to acquire enough data to show conclusively that a person could influence a machine.

The Global Consciousness Project (GCP) uses field REG devices placed all over the globe. Some may know it as the EGG Project. Recently they’ve recorded spikes just before the great tsunami that wiped out Indonesia and just before the 9/11 events. Notice that the spikes occurred just prior to the event. (Modern field REG device made by Psyleron shown to the left.)

This means that the GCP brings to light two important aspects of consciousness studies. The first is that focused attention can influence a REG device, even if that is not that target or intention of the ones holding the thought, as it was in the PEAR experiments. The second is that the collective consciousness of humans is aware and reacting to a major event just prior to it actually manifesting in linear time.

There have been many such studies under strictly controlled conditions that all show, irrefutably, that focused attention can affect matter and that awareness can precede an actual event. However, none of these studies reflects the dramatic results of anecdotal evidence displayed with focused intent, especially when there is a sense of urgency or great need between two people who are closely bonded.

In the next installments of this series, we’ll look at the difference in focused attention and intent and why healing with intention experiments are so difficult to conduct.

The Sage Age - Blending Science with Intuitive Wisdom, was featured in Publishers Weekly shortly after its debut. Visit for more information and to read articles on many of the topics covered in the book.


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