Saturday, December 5, 2009

The Best Gift Ever

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Sunday, November 22, 2009

We Are Crystal Beings

Our physical bodies are sophisticated, multi-faceted antenna systems composed of a crystalline matrix.

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Tuesday, November 17, 2009

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Saturday, November 14, 2009

What Every Ham Radio Operator Knows About Healing Hands

Most folks wouldn’t think that a Ham radio operator would know anything about energy healing or touch therapy. Perhaps most operators don’t. But, what they do understand, and quite well, is how a dipole antenna works and that is the same principle behind why the hands are a focus point of healing.

In the first installment of this series, we covered the work of two women who wrote the books that established the methodology of healing through the hands; namely Delores Krieger and Barbara Brennan. In this post we’ll detail why healing comes through the hands.

The antenna used by Ham radio operators is called a dipole. It’s basically a metal pole with a wire attached at the center. It’s called a dipole, meaning two poles, because each end transmits the signal fed by a transmission wire that is attached at the center.

Now, let’s compare this to the physical body. For a standing person, the center point of the body is in the area of the intestines. (Although this may not seem like the physical center of height, as far as energy transmission, it is the mid-point. We’ll discuss why this is so in a moment.) Energy radiates from the gut area out toward the two ends of the pole, which in this case are the head and feet. When the arms are outstretched, they also become two ends of a pole.

Just like an antenna, the head and feet are of opposite polarity, as are each hand. This distinction is well known in Traditional Chinese Medicine, which incorporates the meridian system used in acupuncture.

The gut area of the body is filled with miles of intestines. This tissue is loaded with piezo crystals, as are the bones, tendons, and ligaments of the body. Piezo crystals convert electrical energy into mechanical energy and vice versa. This, along with the liquid crystals in the body, makes it a physical crystalline matrix that serves as both a transmitting and receiving antenna. Informed energy radiates from the central part of the body out through the hands. The hands, then, become the transmission focal points of the energy.

Studies with sensitive S.Q.U.I.D. devices (covered in previous posts) have confirmed the energy patterns radiating from the hands of energy healers and Qigong masters. The phase, frequency, and intensity of these patterns is well-documented at this point.

Visit the Articles page on The Sage Age site for more information on how the body’s antenna system transceives informed energies, the crystalline matrix of the body and the body’s quantum antenna system.

From the bones to the cells, the physical body is a sophisticated, multi-faceted antenna system. For an in-depth look into this topic, how light radiates, and how yoga and Tai Chi use the antenna, you can read the entire first chapter of The Sage Age online now.l

The Sage Age - Blending Science with Intuitive Wisdom, was featured in Publishers Weekly shortly after its debut. Visit for more information and to read articles on many of the topics covered in the book.


Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Why Healing Comes Through the Hands

Touch is the oldest form of healing. When you have a pain anywhere in your body the very first thing you do is place your hand on it. The formal laying on of hands in prayerful meditation with the intent to heal is an ancient tradition as well.

Another method of balancing the body through hands-on-healing is Therapeutic Touch, which was developed by Dolores Krieger, PhD. RN and Dora Kunz, a gifted clairvoyant. An increasing number of hospitals are making this CAM (Complementary Alternative Medicine) therapy available to their patients because studies have shown its effectiveness. The name of the practice may seem to be a bit of a misnomer, since the healer’s hands never actually touch the body of the patient. What the practitioner is accessing instead are the energy fields that surround the patient’s body.

Dr. Barbara Brennan, a former research physicist at NASA, developed a method similar to Krieger’s of working with what she calls the Human Energy Field (HEF) that surrounds the body. But, unlike Krieger’s approach, the techniques Brennan developed teach the practitioner to see the fields, not just sense changes in them. Brennan brings a scientific approach to this rather intuitive “knowing.” It is her belief that when a group of students look at an unhealthy energy field, they should all see the same thing, just as when a group of medical students look at a diseased organ, they all see the same problem.

There is a very real reason why healing comes through the hands. It’s the same reason why intuitives can “see” energy fields around the body using what is known as the “third eye” area located near the forehead. It is because the shape and composition of the human body serves as a dipole antenna with four end-points and a central generator of power. In the second part of this series we will delve into how the body antenna works.

The Sage Age - Blending Science with Intuitive Wisdom, was featured in Publishers Weekly shortly after its debut. Visit for more information and to read articles on many of the topics covered in the book.


Sunday, November 8, 2009

Measuring Focused Intent - Part 4

In the first and second installments of this series, we looked at how REG devices were used to measure both an individual’s focused intent and the focused attention of global consciousness. In Part 3 we discovered why this experimental model is inadequate for studying the effect of energy healing. In this post we’ll explore why controlled experiments rarely display the dramatic results often encountered in real-life situations.

The data gathered in the PEAR, Global Consciousness Project (GPC), and other such studies has shown irrefutable proof that some phenomena is at work that cannot yet be accounted for by physics as it is currently understood. In other words, even with all of the experimental evidence based on quantum theory, we still have an incomplete understanding of reality, scientifically speaking.

These controlled studies often produce results that are only slightly above random. While that may not sound like much to a lay person, it gets the full attention of statisticians. Keep in mind that quantum physics is built entirely on the work of theoretical mathematicians such as Einstein. Statistics matter.

Both the PEAR and GPC data is based on the statistical deviation of a REG device as affected by an individual or group of “senders.” This model is significantly different from an experiment where two individuals are coupled to a common goal.

The bottom line is, a REG device does not care whether it spits out ones or zeros and the sender of the intent will not have their life turned upside down if the target is not reached. A mother with an endangered child both care about the outcome in a very intense way. When real need comes into play everything changes.

Countless books and videos are filled with stories of miraculous recoveries from danger and illness. In scientific terms, such incidents are considered anecdotal at best because there is no way to independently verify what single action brought about the final result.

Dramatic results like these are nearly impossible to reproduce in a lab. Consider this story. There is a car wreck and a bystander sees a baby trapped in one of the cars that is on fire. He rips through the tangled, bent metal as if it was plastic and retrieves the infant just before the car explodes. Even though he produced what seemed like super-human strength in that moment, he would be hard pressed to reproduce it under normal, or controlled conditions.

The sciences of physics and biology write off this scenario as the bystander’s physical reaction to his body being flooded with adrenaline. But, no such explanation exists for when a mother knows that her child has been harmed and needs “rescuing” only to find out later that the child was involved in the car wreck 100 miles away. And, there is no pardon for a one-time-only psychic event such as this in the mother’s life. The expectation is that she can reproduce this connection at will under controlled conditions.

The fact is, need, desire, and intent all play heavily into how our consciousness affects reality. These factors simply do not exist to the same heightened degree during lab experiments. So, in many ways, science is gathering data out of context. This is considered akin to “studying the cadaver.” In other words, biology only made so many gains by studying the anatomy of a cadaver. To advance, at some point they had to begin applying that knowledge to a living system.

The good news is that systems theory is gaining popularity among all branches of science. In ecology, for example, it was no longer enough to study just the animals and/or plants in a region. It became evident that studying how they interacted together was the only way to develop a real understanding of the whole.

With studying focused intent, it is also becoming evident that caring counts and new experiments must accommodate ways to include this fact. We are at a point where we are realizing that simply reading statistics from a baseball game without ever having seen a game is no longer a valid way to study what is happening. The emotional content of the game playing out is a significant factor in the whole endeavor.

The Sage Age - Blending Science with Intuitive Wisdom, was featured in Publishers Weekly shortly after its debut. Visit for more information and to read articles on many of the topics covered in the book.


Thursday, November 5, 2009

Measuring Focused Intent - Part 3

In the first and second installments of this series, we looked at how REG devices were used to measure both an individual’s focused intent and the focused attention of global consciousness. In today’s post we are going to cover why this experimental model is inadequate for studying the effect of energy healing.

What physics can’t accurately measure, physics can’t study with great precision. That is the limit of physics, but not the limit of reality. One of the most frustrating aspects of setting up experiments to show the effectiveness of energy healing is the ability to accurately assess and measure both the intent of the healer and the affect on the receiver.

The bottom line on this problem comes down to two types of questions, with variations depending on the experiment. Those basic questions are: 1) How do you measure a dose of prayer, and 2) Do you feel better after having received it?
Countless experiments have been conducted over the last forty years in an attempt to set up a controlled environment in which data can be gathered and analyzed to show whether or not energy healing has any real effect.

One of the aspects of a controlled experiment is to compare data between at least one test group that receives the healing that is being studied and a control group that only receives standard care. In all such studies, the statistical norm for the placebo, or power-of-belief effect is known to be established at 35%. This means that a study showing healing among the test group must first discount 35% of the positive results due to the placebo effect. The same 35% must be deducted from the control group. The odd thing about all of this is that to gather statistical data for analysis, a full one-third of those who had positive results in each group must be discounted. That begs the question about priorities. Is the point to heal, by whatever means, or to discount something known to heal? If the placebo effect statistically brings some favorable results, why not include it as standard treatment in addition to any other treatment delivered? After all, it has no ill side effects.

Another statistical bane for these studies is accurately measuring how much better someone feels after receiving treatment. In many cases this measurement is anecdotal, meaning that it is somewhat subjective in nature. If the patient was in pain, for example, they may be asked to assign a number to their pain level both before and after treatment. Considering that everyone’s pain threshold is different, there is no way to absolutely quantify the result stated.

One of the biggest hurdles faced in these types of studies also lies with the significant paradigm difference in allopathic and energetic healing models. In allopathic treatment, for example, a pill is given with the expectation of quickly relieving the physical symptoms and/or affecting remission of the underlying physical cause. Energetic healing primarily deals with the underlying cause, which may be rooted in the psychological or emotional state of the patient. The illness is considered a physical manifestation of an unbalanced energy state and not, in and of itself, the problem.

Energy healing often takes time to bring about a real cure. As most any energy healer can attest, instantaneous healing is atypical. In fact, the first few visits with an energy healer may only result in reframing the mindset of the patient to receive healing, take responsibility for their own health, and become willing to have the root cause surface. This is especially true if they are uneducated in energy work in general and are fully indoctrinated to allopathic expectations of something outside of them, be it a doctor or a drug, bringing about the relief of symptoms.

In effect, energy healing studies are being conducted on a model that does not suit the real conditions in play. In other words, they are comparing apples to oranges while maintaining that fruit is fruit and healing is healing.

In the last installment of this series, we’ll have a look at why controlled studies of energy healing and focused intent do not usually display the dramatic results found in everyday life.

The Sage Age - Blending Science with Intuitive Wisdom, was featured in Publishers Weekly shortly after its debut. Visit for more information and to read articles on many of the topics covered in the book.


Sunday, November 1, 2009

Measuring Focused Intent - Part 2

In the first installment of this series, we looked at how REG devices (or Random Event Generators) were used in mind-over-matter experiments. Today we’ll look at the difference in early studies and recent studies that show the difference between focused attention and focused intent.

The experiments at the PEAR lab began in 1979, but physicist and parapsychologist Helmut Schmidt had been using REG devices in consciousness studies since the 1960s. For the most part, all of these studies involved a strictly controlled environment where a person focused their intent on causing the REG device to deviate significantly from random. Many variations on this theme were run including having the person be miles away or focusing their intent long after the REG data had been run and sealed. Regardless of distance or time, the results were still the same. The “intender” had the same effect on the REG as if they had been sitting in the room with it while it was running.

The natural evolution of such studies became what is now the Global Consciousness Project (GCP), which monitors field REG devices all over the world. The data they have archived for the past decade clearly shows a significant shift from random in the REG devices just before a major event happens somewhere in the world.

There are important differences between the PEAR and GCP studies. In the PEAR experiments, the person attempting to affect the device used focused intention. There was a specific goal, or target, that they were trying to achieve. With the GCP study, there is no specific goal and the recorded events are in reaction to an event.

In other words, the PEAR study measured focused intent. The GCP measures focused attention. The PEAR study measured an individual’s intent. The GCP measures global consciousness.

The difference in these studies brings to bear an entirely new aspect to future experiments and helps scientists develop trials that distinguish what type of data they are gathering. This is especially important in studies on energetic healing.

In the next installment, we’ll look at healing studies and why the PEAR and GCP models are inadequate models to show the whole picture of what is transpiring.

The Sage Age - Blending Science with Intuitive Wisdom, was featured in Publishers Weekly shortly after its debut. Visit for more information and to read articles on many of the topics covered in the book.


Thursday, October 29, 2009

Measuring Focused Intent – Part 1

Some of the most famous mind-over-matter experiments were conducted over a twelve year period at the PEAR labs. PEAR is an acronym for Princeton Engineering Anomalies Research. Their experiments centered on a person as the controller who was attempting to influence the behavior of a REG device, which is a Random Event Generator. Basically, a REG acts as the computer equivalent of a coin flipper. Statistically, a coin will land on heads half the time and tails the other half. Instead of heads or tails, a REG spits out 1s and 0s at random with the same statistical split as the coin. (An early REG device is shown to the left.)

The target of the experiment was to get the REG to spit out either more 1s or 0s in a consistent stream, indicating that the events were no longer random. Over the course of the study, scientists were able to acquire enough data to show conclusively that a person could influence a machine.

The Global Consciousness Project (GCP) uses field REG devices placed all over the globe. Some may know it as the EGG Project. Recently they’ve recorded spikes just before the great tsunami that wiped out Indonesia and just before the 9/11 events. Notice that the spikes occurred just prior to the event. (Modern field REG device made by Psyleron shown to the left.)

This means that the GCP brings to light two important aspects of consciousness studies. The first is that focused attention can influence a REG device, even if that is not that target or intention of the ones holding the thought, as it was in the PEAR experiments. The second is that the collective consciousness of humans is aware and reacting to a major event just prior to it actually manifesting in linear time.

There have been many such studies under strictly controlled conditions that all show, irrefutably, that focused attention can affect matter and that awareness can precede an actual event. However, none of these studies reflects the dramatic results of anecdotal evidence displayed with focused intent, especially when there is a sense of urgency or great need between two people who are closely bonded.

In the next installments of this series, we’ll look at the difference in focused attention and intent and why healing with intention experiments are so difficult to conduct.

The Sage Age - Blending Science with Intuitive Wisdom, was featured in Publishers Weekly shortly after its debut. Visit for more information and to read articles on many of the topics covered in the book.


Sunday, October 25, 2009

PEARs, SQUIDs, and Consciousness – Part 2

In the first installment of this series we delved into one of the real Noetic Science experiments mentioned in The Lost Symbol involving mind-over-matter research using Random Event Generators and how that research evolved into the Global Consciousness Project.

In this installment, we’re going to have a look at the mysterious “Cube” Dan Brown created as the heart of Katherine’s lab.

A real “Cube” does exist. In fact, there are several around the world. They are specially shielded rooms that contain a device called a S.Q.U.I.D., which stands for Super-conducting Quantum Interface Device and is used for such diverse investigations from helping localize pathology in the brain to the measurement of energy being emitted from the hands of healers and Qigong masters.

A S.Q.U.I.D. is so sensitive that the room in which it is used must be heavily shielded from any stray electromagnetic (EM) energy. Basically, this means that no light can enter the room from the outside world. That is precisely why Brown’s character, Katherine, had to traverse a completely dark expanse between her lab and the door that lead to the outside world.

EM radiation comes in many forms including sunlight, lamp light, and any type of broadcast signal such as TV, radio, and cell phones. EM radiation is also present around electrical wires generating AC, which is why Katherine’s lab was powered by hydrogen fuel cells that delivered DC, or Direct Current.

Devices as sensitive as a S.Q.U.I.D. can measure very subtle energies that are giving researchers a way to quantify their existence and their ability to affect matter by conducting experiments that apply the rigors of scientific investigation. However, the data gathered from these experiments has also encouraged many pseudo-science practitioners to claim that we are finally able to measure consciousness, thought, and even finally prove the existence of the subtle energy bodies that surround and permeate the physical body.

Such an arranged marriage of physics and metaphysics is not new. When the EKG was developed to measure the electrical activity surrounding the heart and then refined into an EEG to measure the electrical activity around the brain, similar claims of measuring thought also occurred. In fact, some people, including a few scientists, claimed that these signals proved the existence of telepathy. History is simply repeating itself with the S.Q.U.I.D. And, history clearly shows that every advancement in technology also carries an advancement of the attempt to blend science with mysticism, esoteric knowledge, or intuitive wisdom. (Read more on the evolution of thought on light from both science and intuitives in the article Coming to Terms with Light.)

David Bohm, one of the founding fathers of quantum physics, clearly described why we will never be able to measure the subtle energies that reside in the invisible realm he called “the implicate order” that lies outside the manifested, or visible realm he called “the explicate order.” He also clearly described how these subtle energies guide matter and become the resulting data of the experiments we conduct in our search to measure consciousness. (For a little more background on Bohm’s ideas, read the article Dancing to the Same Score - The Particle/Wave Duality of Light.)

The fact that there is a threshold between the invisible and the visible realms has never deterred scientists and engineers from imagining ways to measure what was previously unknown. For instance, radio waves, which are a frequency of light, were always present in our atmosphere. At some point, several folks became convinced of this fact and began a life-long journey of building devices to not only measure them, but to also develop uses for them from a broadcast signal of communication to a way of studying the stars.

At some point, when we get beyond the novelty factor of it, a S.Q.U.I.D. may become as much a standard diagnostic tool as an EKG is today. However, I’m not so sure that any of us will get used to taking that long walk in the dark to get to it.

The Sage Age - Blending Science with Intuitive Wisdom, was featured in Publishers Weekly shortly after its debut. Visit for more information and to read articles on many of the topics covered in the book.


Thursday, October 22, 2009

PEARs, SQUIDs, and Consciousness – Part 1

In The Lost Symbol, Dan Brown alludes to the research behind Noetic Sciences as having the ability to measure the effect of mind-over-matter. He mentions Random Event Generators and experiments being conducted in a specially shielded lab he calls “The Cube.”

Dan Brown is known as a master of so seamlessly blending fact into fiction that it becomes an invitation to the reader to sort one from the other. Following are a few of the facts of the real research that has been conducted over the last three decades showing irrefutable data that it is indeed possible for the mind, through focused intention, to cause a measurable affect on matter.

Privately-funded research has been carried out by several major universities in the U.S. including the PEAR project, which was an acronym for the Princeton Engineering Anomalies Research program. Many of the experiments conducted by PEAR involved the measurable influence that a test subject could have upon a random event generator (REG). PEAR’s in-house lab tests were conducted over a 12-year period. During that time, they developed a variety of mind-to-machine interfaces which resulted in a mountain of statistical evidence showing that human intent did in fact affect the outcome of the machine’s performance. The deviations from truly random outcomes were small, but statistically significant.

By the 1990s, a field REG was developed by Roger Nelson that could be operated from a laptop PC. It was taken on field trips to measure the effects of group meetings, particularly those conducting rituals on sacred sites. These experiments registered a deviation six times higher than normal on the REG compared to trials in the lab at PEAR. The readings were also two times higher than field measurements taken at other gatherings.

The project officially began recording data in 1998 with 10 field REG units strategically placed around the globe. Interest and funding in the project grew and by 2004 over 60 units were in place globally.

Nelson described the deployment as resembling the configuration of electrodes as they were placed on the human head during an ElectroEncephaloGram, or EEG. Since these REG nodes were monitoring global events, Nelson dubbed it an ElectroGaiaGram, or EGG Project.

The Global Consciousness Project maintains a website where significant spikes in the data stream can be viewed. Of note are the spikes that occurred four hours prior to the 9/11/2004 attack in the U.S. and just before the Asian Tsunami came ashore on 12/26/2004. (Take note that these spikes happened prior to the events.)

In the second installment of this series, Dan Brown’s Cube will be discussed along with a special quantum measuring device called a S.Q.U.I.D. that requires a shielded room in which to operate.

The Sage Age - Blending Science with Intuitive Wisdom, was featured in Publishers Weekly shortly after its debut. Visit for more information and to read articles on many of the topics covered in the book.


Sunday, October 18, 2009

The Research Behind The Lost Symbol – Part 3

In the first and second installments of this series, I mentioned the premise of The Lost Symbol and how Dan Brown built a bridge between science and ancient wisdom in just six pages. He also brought to bear the fact that there are multiple ways of knowing that are valid and promote the evolution of human thought.

Brown is known for his research. It gives him the ability to create credibility for his story. It’s exciting for readers because Brown issues an invitation for readers to do their own research and discover what’s fact and what’s fiction.

Research takes time and tenacity. Some folks have lamented that The Sage Age is too deep a read. I make no apologies for that. Education on deep topics does require some effort on the part of the student. It contains the same type of information that Dan Brown had to study in order to write The Lost Symbol.

The Sage Age is a four year education condensed into one inch of paper. Many folks think it’s over their heads until they read it. The book doesn’t assume you know anything about these topics and clearly elucidates them for you.

Following are some of the names of people, books, philosophies, and devices that Brown calls out in Chapter 15 and where they are located in The Sage Age. As you will see, the elements constantly cross over the bridge between physics and intuitive wisdom. Dan Brown used this same knowledge to create The Lost Symbol.

Chapter 4 The Mind Body Antenna, Chapter 11 Quantum Physics
Chapter 4 The Mind Body Antenna, Chapter 11 Quantum Physics
Lynne McTaggart
Chapter 3 The Energy Bodies, Chapter 4 The Mind Body Antenna, Chapter 5 Metaphysics,
Chapter 11 Quantum Physics
Frozen water crystals
Chapter 4 The Mind-Body Antenna, Chapter 12 Medicine
Chapter 6 Common Roots of Eastern and Western Thought, Chapter 7 Sound, Light, and Time,
Chapter 8 Physics, Chapter 11 Quantum Physics
Chapter 5 Metaphysics, Chapter 6 Common Roots of Eastern and Western Thought,
Chapter 7 Sound, Light, and Time, Chapter 8 Physics, Chapter 9 The Nature of Waves,
Chapter 10 Cosmology, Chapter 11 Quantum Physics, Chapter 12 Medicine
Every chapter of the book
Chapter 3 The Energy Bodies, Chapter 6 Common Roots of Eastern and Western Thought,
Chapter 7 Sound Light, and Time, Chapter 11 Quantum Physics
Chapter 6 Sound, Light, and Time, Chapter 10 Cosmology, Chapter 11 Quantum Physics
Chapter 11 Quantum Physics
Chapter 3 The Energy Bodies
Chapter 4 The Mind-Body Antenna, Chapter 11 Quantum Physics
Superstring Theory
Chapter 11 Quantum Physics
By reading The Sage Age, you will be able to sort fact from fiction in The Lost Symbol. And, it has a long list of cited references on each of these topics so you can go straight to the source for more reading.

The Sage Age - Blending Science with Intuitive Wisdom, was featured in Publishers Weekly shortly after its debut. Visit for more information and to read articles on many of the topics covered in the book.


Thursday, October 15, 2009

The Research Behind The Lost Symbol – Part 2

In the first installment of this series, I mentioned the premise of The Lost Symbol and how Dan Brown built a bridge between science and ancient wisdom in just six pages. He also brought to bear the fact that there are multiple ways of knowing that are valid and promote the evolution of human thought.

Five years before the publication of the book, I began an intensive course of study and research to gain an educated state of clarity on the very concepts presented in The Lost Symbol. After three years of study at a pace to rival any graduate student, I finally had enough information to begin to connect the dots between what, on the surface, seemed to be far-flung fields of study. What I discovered was that they were actually the flipside of the same coin. That’s when I knew I had to publish my notes.

Research for The Sage Age coincided with my initiation as a shamanka (feminine for shaman). That rite of passage came after a decade and a half of preparation. Most folks think of shamans as healers. But, the basic definition of a shaman is one who journeys to other realms and anchors the information gathered into this realm for use. Edgar Cayce was a shaman in that sense. He didn’t actually heal anyone. He gathered information to properly diagnose and treat others, among other revelations he brought back from his journeys. That practice directly impacted my ability to sort through mountains of information and hone in on the connections between the rational and noetic sciences. It also gave me a way to gain an experiential knowing of the information that forever changed my life and altered its course in response to the education I received.

Also in that timeframe, I became a member of the Institute of Noetic Sciences (IONS), which helped me find even more resources for study.

In Part 3 of this series, I’ll reveal where to find more information on topics highlighted in The Lost Symbol.

The Sage Age - Blending Science with Intuitive Wisdom, was featured in Publishers Weekly shortly after its debut. Visit for more information and to read articles on many of the topics covered in the book.


Tuesday, October 13, 2009

The Noetic Scientist in The Lost Symbol

There are no coincidences.

Clinical research scientist, medical anthropologist, and author Marilyn Schlitz has worked at the Institute of Noetic Sciences (IONS) for fifteen years. Recently, she accepted the position of CEO. In just a few short months, it has become apparent that she is spearheading a shift in the organization to bring IONS into the mainstream of conversation. To the absolute delight of IONS members, Schlitz has become active on the various internal IONS blogs and, more importantly, she regularly posts on social media sites such as Twitter; radically broadening the scope of reach for IONS. (She tweets as @MarilynSchlitz) What’s even more impressive is that Schlitz uses this medium with a perfect balance of announcements and social networking. She doesn’t just talk at people. She informs and makes genuine connections. She’s taking IONS to people all over the country and the globe in a very personal way, and sharing the vast resources of research and educational programs produced by IONS that are so very relevant and helpful in our changing times.

A few weeks ago, Dan Brown released his latest novel, The Lost Symbol. Brown is noted for his incredible research that helps him seamlessly blend fact and fiction in his novel in such a way that it becomes not only an engaging story in which readers can relate, but it also becomes an invitation to the reader to begin their own personal investigation of the information he presents.

One of the entities that Brown features in The Lost Symbol is IONS, and the head researcher, Katherine, is a main character. She is on the cutting edge of blending the rational sciences with noetic sciences in a way that will forever change the world.

There is no doubt that Dan Brown laid a beautifully wrapped gift on the doorstep of IONS. The publicity a best seller brings to the organization is a great boon. Just one day after publication, The Lost Symbol brought IONS into mainstream conversation. The publication came less than a year after Marilyn Schlitz became CEO. The synchronistic timing of Schlitz and Brown leads one to believe that there is a wholistic quality to the movements and choices we make that serves the greater good of all. Fortunately for the rest of us, these two people chose to cooperate with that process.

IONS and Schlitz wasted no time in capitalizing on the gift Brown delivered to the organization. A 12-week teleseminar is available where Marilyn discusses the real noetic science behind The Lost Symbol. I’ve listened to the first session and must say that the more I hear from Marilyn Schlitz, the more impressed I am, and, as my friends will attest, I’m not easily impressed or swayed.

What my friends will also tell you is that I'm passionate about promoting whatever brings clarity and will help folks attain a wholistic view of our changing times. I believe the work of IONS at this moment in our evolution is critically important to that effort.

You can attend the next teleseminar in this series live on Wed. Oct 14 at 5:00 p.m. PST. The topic of science behind The Lost Symbol will be “Why Consciousness Matters.”

Schlitz has also recently been featured on National Public Radio’s program “All Things Considered.” You will find links to both audios on the Shift in Action site of IONS, which is loaded to overflowing with interviews from luminaries all over the globe in multiple fields of endeavor. I would strongly urge you to join IONS to enjoy the benefit of access to a rich library of resources and to hear this relevant series with Marilyn.

Of course, the audio from the NPR interview is freely available and is a great way to be introduced to Marilyn Schlitz and IONS.


Sunday, October 11, 2009

The Research Behind The Lost Symbol – Part 1

I’m in the process of reading Dan Brown’s latest novel, The Lost Symbol, and was delighted to witness the bridge Brown built in Chapter 15. It details Katherine’s introductory education by her elder brother Richard into the tangled web of human thought from ancient to modern time.

Katherine, a scientist, is all at once stupefied and excited to learn that the esoteric teachings of ancient mystical texts mirror modern quantum and string theory with eerie precision. And, that is the underlying premise of the book. In just six pages Brown builds a believable case that ancient mystics cultivated a noetic understanding of deep mysteries that was lost over time and has finally been recovered by modern science. However, despite the intellectual fire power of today’s scientists, and the technological complexity of their measuring devices, they still don’t truly understand what they are dealing with. In Chapter 15, Brown positions Katherine’s character to be the one person on the planet to finally blend the breakthroughs of the rational, or analytical sciences, with powerful intuitive wisdom from the masters.

One of the aspects of Chapter 15 that excited me was to see the names of texts, mystics, philosophers, and scientist that Brown listed. All of them are covered in The Sage Age.

In Part 2 of this series, I’ll tell you what lead me to do the same research as Dan Brown. In Part 3, I’ll reveal where you can find information on the topics highlighted in The Lost Symbol.

The Sage Age - Blending Science with Intuitive Wisdom, was featured in Publishers Weekly shortly after its debut. Visit for more information and to read articles on many of the topics covered in the book.


Monday, October 5, 2009

Free Webinar with Dr. Amit Goswami

There’s a revolution going on in science and Dr. Goswami is leading the way. You may remember Amit Goswami from his appearance in the movie “What the Bleep Do We Know?” but that’s not what he is best known for in the physics world. Dr. Goswami is the man who wrote the textbook every university in the world still uses to teach the basics of quantum mechanics and every theoretical physicist in the world has studied his writings.

By his own admission, Dr. Goswami was a hardcore Material Realist, meaning that he was sure that matter was the primary element of all existence. Scientific Materialism is the metaphysical basis of post-modern science that has dominated the world through the second half of twentieth century and is dominating the scientific world even now. But he had a change of heart that deeply connected him in a new way to his childhood religion and suddenly he realized that consciousness was the basis of All That Is.

His new documentary released earlier this year, “The Quantum Activist”, has won multiple awards and received rave reviews. (I was lucky enough to be one of the first folks to review this film. Read it here.) In it he explains his pioneering role in the new paradigm of science called “science within consciousness”.

To bring this revolution in science to the people, Dr. Goswami has introduced a new course of study titled Quantum Activism, which is building a bridge between the rational sciences and the noetic sciences in a way that will help us all move forward together in a new direction.

I invite you to join me for a free webinar Dr. Goswami is presenting on Tuesday, Oct.
6 at 5:00pm PST! Information and links to the webinar can be found here. As he says, be there or be E=mc²!


Tuesday, August 4, 2009

The Body Antenna - Impedance

Chapter 1 of The Sage Age - Blending Science with Intuitive Wisdom covers aspects of the human body as a sophisticated, multi-faceted antenna system. To encourage discussion, the entire chapter has been divided into topic sections and presented as excerpts for download.

What impedes your flow of healthy vibes? Do outside forces induce a disruption in your flow? What happens to the flow when you resist? How can you increase your capacity for flow?

The three components that impede flow in an antenna system are resistance, capacitance, and inductance. Your body is a sophisticated, multi-faceted antenna system and to operate at peak performance, you need to bring it into balance.

This includes finding points of resistance to flow and increasing capacity. It also means identifying outside influences that induce a disruption of flow.

In this excerpt, we’ll use the analogy of water flowing through a hose. We’ll show how resistance can slow down the flow through the rest of the hose. We’ll also cover how a person’s capacity for flow affects the way their antenna works. And, finally, we’ll show how outside forces act like an elephant stomping on the hose that induces a disruption in the flow and can eventually damage the hose.

Limited time special offer on autographed copies of The Sage Age.


Saturday, August 1, 2009

Healing with Color

Today, many intuitive practitioners use color for healing based on traditions that are rooted in ancient cultures from all over the globe.

Most folks realize that being around certain colors all the time affect their moods and, ultimately, their health.

I make a point to be on my deck during sunset every evening I can. I believe the affect of being quiet in body and mind and watching the light colors change does me good.

Tonight, there was a rather spectacular sunset of deep oranges with some gold. I've been told that orange skies help cultivate a deep spiritual vibe.

I was able to take a few pictures. One of them can be seen here. I hope sharing it will spread the joy of witnessing an orange sunset.


Thursday, July 30, 2009

The Body Antenna – Meditation and MRIs

Chapter 1 of The Sage Age - Blending Science with Intuitive Wisdom covers aspects of the human body as a sophisticated, multi-faceted antenna system. To encourage discussion, the entire chapter has been divided into topic sections and presented as excerpts for download.

The broadcast area immediately around an antenna is very different from the areas further away from the antenna. The first is called the near-field pattern and the latter is called the far-field pattern.

MRIs (Magnetic Resonance Imaging) devices make use of the body’s near-field pattern. Ongoing investigation of this pattern is helping researchers build even better imaging devices because they are learning how to use the body as an antenna. This will lead to a deeper understanding of vibrational medicine.

The area around an antenna is a very complex field comprised of many components. One critical aspect that affects this field is the richness of the soil around the antenna. This is also true for folks who do Tai Chi exercises outside in a park setting. The better the soil, the better the body’s antenna system transceives.

Read the short excerpt
to learn more about the near-field around an antenna and why making a starburst pattern on the ground helps it transceive.

Limited time special offer on autographed copies of The Sage Age.


Monday, July 27, 2009

The Body Antenna – Multi Antenna Arrays

Chapter 1 of The Sage Age - Blending Science with Intuitive Wisdom covers aspects of the human body as a sophisticated, multi-faceted antenna system. To encourage discussion, the entire chapter has been divided into topic sections and presented as excerpts for download.

When groups of folks come together in the same location and meditate while holding or moving through the same body postures, they work together like a multi-antenna array that focuses a signal and strengthens it.

One prime example of how this works is the Very Large Array (VLA) antenna dishes in New Mexico, which is used as an astronomical observatory by receiving weak radio signals from space. The 27 antennas can be arranged in such a way so that they act as one gigantic receiving dish antenna.

Download the full excerpt to see how multiple antennas can be used to focus and strengthen a signal as well as ways they can be arranged to block interference.

Limited time special offer on autographed copies of The Sage Age.


Saturday, July 25, 2009

Becoming Like Star People

Where science, psychology, and psi events meet
If you drew a 200 mile circle from where you are situated right this minute, it’s not likely that anyone within that radius is experiencing daily life very differently from the way you live. However, if you’ve been outside on a cloudless evening recently, you may have had a chance to see folks just over 200 miles above you who are traveling over 17,000 mph, and experiencing a day that is very different from yours. For instance, they are floating around in zero gravity and have seen about 15 sunrises in the last 24 hours. I’m, of course, referring to the current occupants of the International Space Station.

The station routinely houses a crew of multi-nationals who daily cooperate with each other to accomplish agreed upon goals and, ultimately, rely on each other for their well-being, both mentally and physically. They work in tight quarters under stressful conditions and must find a way to continually coordinate their focus on the group’s success. There is very little room on the station for a “me” attitude.

How amazing would it be for small groups of folks, who barely know one another, to come together regularly for a few weeks to accomplish specific goals in a spirit of cooperation while bringing to the project a profound delight to participate?

In this situation, each person has already done their own homework, both mentally and emotionally, to be considered an asset to the project. And, even though each one will be personally transformed by the experience in their own way, that is not their goal. Their individual and collective participation serves a larger purpose that is far beyond the people who are in the group. It directly serves all of humanity in a continuum that stretches back to the pioneers of space flight and ahead to those who will eventually walk on Mars.

The space program has rendered technological advancements that enhance daily life. Many of them seem mundane now, like the Teflon coated surfaces of pots and pans. As I watch the brightly lit star with people aboard pass by overhead, I delight in the idea that perhaps the program is also delivering a new way to think about living that simultaneously serves the individual and collective aspirations of the whole.


Friday, July 24, 2009

Have We Forgotten HG Wells Already?

Where science, psychology, and psi events meet

One of the pioneers of the science fiction genre, H.G. Wells, used that platform to make a statement about what he saw as the dark side of the growing fascination with science and the decline of interest in the humanities. Today, we are paying the price for not heeding his warning.

In his new book, Empire of Illusion: The End of Literacy and the Triumph of Spectable, Pulitzer Prize-wining journalist, Chris Hedges, speaks to a broad range of societal ills that began with the cultural shift immediately following WWII. In the book, he addresses the loss of literacy and the preference toward consumerism and shallowness. He also laments the displacement of the humanities curriculum in major universities in favor of vocational education.

The latter was a major theme in H.G. Well’s War of the Worlds. He intentionally created the aliens with big heads and little bodies (holding tiny hearts), to emphasize the preference for analytical intelligence over emotional intelligence. He warned that following such a path would lead to advancements in technology without an ethical foundation to govern its direction or scope.

Wells had many detractors in the sci-fi community because he didn’t base his futuristic science on real calculations, as did Jules Verne. However, he did base it in facts, which alluded to the dark side of human nature. Just as we have seen Verne’s fantastic machines built, we are also seeing Well’s prophecies come true in the conduct of our society.

Wells certainly wasn’t the only great figure in history to proclaim such a warning. General Omar Bradley made several cautionary comments, including: “Ours is a world of nuclear giants and ethical infants.” He also said, “If we continue to develop our technology without wisdom or prudence, our servant may prove to be our executioner.” Most everyone is familiar with the ethical crisis faced by Einstein, a pacifist, over the use of the atomic weapons his calculations helped create.

About a year ago, a documentary on the changes in China featured a vignette on several students anxiously awaiting the arrival of their university acceptance letters. One student opened his and read aloud that he had been accepted to M.I.T. to which the other students responded by lowering and shaking their heads while giving their condolences. Because M.I.T. insisted on graduating students who could also write good papers, they were further down the list of desired schools than those that focused exclusively on the development of new technology.

What we know of ancient cultures was a mix of their language, visual art, writings, music, fashion, rituals, mathematics, and technology. The overwhelming majority of those factors fall into the humanities category. What will future societies know of us? The first classes we cut in our educational system during a budget crunch are the arts. What does that say about our priorities?

There is currently an initiative from the White House to encourage kids to do better in math and science because the U.S. is falling behind the rest of the world in those subjects. The fact is, the U.S. is falling behind in all subjects. Perhaps Chris Hedges is right in that we have built an empire of illusion and the preference for spectacle over substance has won.


Wednesday, July 22, 2009

The Body Antenna – Antennas and the Physical Body

Chapter 1 of The Sage Age - Blending Science with Intuitive Wisdom covers aspects of the human body as a sophisticated, multi-faceted antenna system. To encourage discussion, the entire chapter has been divided into topic sections and presented as excerpts for download.

Most folks think of an antenna as some type of metal pole. In its broadest definition, an antenna is anything that can carry an electromagnetic current. These conductors include wire, metal poles, and even the human body.

Citizen Band and Ham radios can both transmit and receive signals making them a transceiver. They use what is known as a dipole antenna meaning that it transmits from the center out toward each end.

The human body is like a dipole antenna that transceives from the gut area out toward the head and feet. It also transceives from the core out toward each hand. Many parts of the body, including the gut area, are made of special crystals that facilitate transceiving all sorts of signals. (For more information on this topic, see the two-part article on the Body’s Crystal Matrix.)

The length of the dipole antenna determines what frequencies it can transceive. Using ritual body postures like those found in Yoga and Tai Chi tune the body’s antenna by situating the structure of the crystal matrix into different shapes and lengths.

Download the full excerpt to discover how this works and see the different antenna patterns ritual body postures form.

Limited time special offer on autographed copies of The Sage Age.


Tuesday, July 21, 2009

The Body Antenna – Frequency and Waves

Chapter 1 of The Sage Age - Blending Science with Intuitive Wisdom covers aspects of the human body as a sophisticated, multi-faceted antenna system. To encourage discussion, the entire chapter has been divided into topic sections and presented as excerpts for download.

In the first two excerpts, we covered how ritual postures tuned the body’s antenna and learned how light radiates as electromagnetic energy. This third excerpt gives an overview of what the terms frequency and wavelength mean and explain how water waves and light waves are different.

(Some of the words and concepts in this section may be unfamiliar and seem a bit technical, but keep reading. Understanding these terms is very important to grasping the vibrational nature of matter. And, there’s a fun experiment at the end!)

One full cycle of a wave is known as its wavelength. In other words, a wave takes time to develop in a space. The length that it takes to develop completely and then begin repeating is known as the wave’s length, or wavelength. (Pictures of this are in the download.)

How many times the wave can complete this cycle in a second is measured as frequency. The faster a wave is moving, the higher is its frequency. The higher the frequency, the more energy the wave carries.

What does this mean? High frequency waves are also high energy waves. In the spectrum of light waves, visible light has a lower frequency than an FM radio signal. It also has lower energy. An X-ray is a very high frequency, high energy light wave and can cause damage to tissue if it’s exposed to the wave for extended periods.

Amplitude is the height of the wave. For sound, this would equate to its volume. For light, it would equate to intensity. So, wavelength is a side-to-side measurement of a wave. Amplitude is an up-and-down measurement of a wave.

Frequency measures how fast a wave is moving side-to-side and has nothing to do with how high it is up-and-down. Let’s use a sound wave to explain this concept. You could hear a high pitch at a low volume. That means it has a high frequency with a low amplitude.

Download the full excerpt for a fun experiment with a rope that will let you see and feel first-hand how wavelength, frequency, and amplitude work together.

Limited time special offer on autographed copies of The Sage Age.


Sunday, July 19, 2009

Bending Spacetime with String Theory

Where science, psychology, and psi events meet
One of the aspects of String Theory that is mind-boggling is the concept of dimensions inside other dimensions. To accomplish this feat, one dimension has to curl up inside the other. A comment someone made recently about inter-dimensional beings projected new light on this topic and provided a model to begin to form a mental construct to picture it.

The word “dimension” is a term used by both scientists and intuitive practitioners. However, it means different things in each context. To a scientist, it denotes a plane of measure, like length. To an intuitive, it means realms of existence. (For more on this topic, see the article Dimensions – A Word of Many Faces.)

String Theory concedes ten dimensions of measure to be described and eleven dimensions to be properly understood. These dimensions are planes of measure, like length. To describe a jet plane flying through the air, you would need four dimensions, including the x and y trajectories, the height from the ground, known as the z trajectory, and the speed, or time trajectory.

To get to the ten or eleven dimensions of String Theory, some dimensions have to be curled up inside another. That’s like width being curled up inside length, and that’s the mind-boggling part of the theory. It’s very difficult, if not impossible, to imagine such a thing.

The reason that physicists theorize that these extra dimensions are curled up inside the ones we commonly experience is because matter travels in a circular pattern.

Recently, a colleague was discussing the possibility of inter-dimensional beings and declared that they had the capability of bending time so that five days spent with them may only correlate to a few minutes in our dimension.

What occurred to me was that if beings could exist in one of the curled up dimensions described in String Theory, the fabric of spacetime would be bent there in such a way that our timeframes would not be the same. So, the entities would not have to possess the capability to bend time because it would simply be a result of the difference in the dimensions.

Of course, this discussion brought to mind creation stories from several cultures and how the long periods of the Creator’s calendar differed so widely from the solar calendar days we use. Typically, a day for the Creator would equate to an epoch of time in Earth days.

These musings on curled up dimensions and the bending of spacetime may not hold up to the math of String Theory but, it certainly provided a model and framework to finally conceive the ideas.


Thursday, July 16, 2009

The Body Antenna – How Light Radiates

Chapter 1 of The Sage Age - Blending Science with Intuitive Wisdom covers aspects of the human body as a sophisticated, multi-faceted antenna system. To encourage discussion, the entire chapter has been divided into topic sections and presented as excerpts for download.

In the previous excerpt, we discovered how ritual body postures help tune the body’s antenna. In this second excerpt, we’ll see how light energy radiates.

By nature, charges seek equilibrium or balance. This is how energy is radiated from the body, an antenna, or a battery. An imbalance is necessary to cause electrons to move and, when they do, current is generated that creates a magnetic field in the surrounding area.

The analogy most often used to exemplify the flow of electricity along a wire is that of water flowing through a hose. But it is important to understand that electrical current in a wire is a special case of the overall propagation characteristics of how electromagnetic (EM) energy radiates. In free space, EM energy radiates as an unbounded wave.

Wave motion is the transport of energy without the transport of matter.

Download the full excerpt
to get a better idea of how light moves energy in a self-propagating wave through the combination of two forces.

Limited time special offer on autographed copies of The Sage Age.


Tuesday, July 14, 2009

The Body Antenna - Ritual Body Postures

Chapter 1 of The Sage Age - Blending Science with Intuitive Wisdom covers aspects of the human body as a sophisticated, multi-faceted antenna system. To encourage discussion, the entire chapter has been divided into topic sections and presented as excerpts for download.

This is the first excerpt in the Body Antenna series and covers the effects of ritual body postures. The dimensions and posturing of the physical body allow it to work like a broadcast antenna that both transmits and receives, or transceives, multiple frequencies. Beginning in the 1960s, anthropologist Dr. Felicitas Goodman investigated the effects of ritual body postures among many cultures and traditions. She documented at least seventy that produced either subtle effects or full blown altered states of consciousness. Her work is carried on by the Cuyamungue Institute.

Ritual body postures come in two basic flavors, which are those that are held for a length of time, as in Yoga, and those that are fluid movements and held momentarily, as in Tai Chi. These postures allow the body to become two different types of antenna systems. Yoga postures are akin to a static antenna of fixed length that is tuned to transceive a specific frequency and its associated harmonics. They work like the rabbit ears on a television set. Tai Chi postures are akin to a radio scanner that transceives a variety of signals in serial fashion, meaning one after the other.

Download the full excerpt to discover how these two types of postures, combined with meditation, tune the body’s antenna system and increase the bandwidth of frequencies it can transceive.

Limited time special offer on autographed copies of The Sage Age.


Monday, July 13, 2009

The Body Antenna

Chapter 1 of The Sage Age - Blending Science with Intuitive Wisdom covers aspects of the human body as a sophisticated, multi-faceted antenna system. To encourage discussion, the entire chapter has been divided into topic sections and presented as excerpts for download.

Your physical body is a sophisticated, multi-faceted antenna system that both transmits and receives (transceives) a cornucopia of informed energies.

Beginning this week, I’ll be posting excerpts from Chapter 1 of The Sage Age – Blending Science with Intuitive Wisdom detailing how the body can be tuned like an antenna to facilitate well-being. New posts will appear every Tuesday and Thursday of July. Following are the topics covered:

Ritual Body Postures - Discover how ritual body postures, such as those used in Yoga and Tai Chi, combine with meditation to tune your body's antenna.

How Light Radiates - Details what we think we know about how light radiates and the different frequencies our body's can receive.

Overview of Frequency - What's the difference between frequency, wavelength, and bandwidth? What are waves? Discover this and more in an overview of frequency and wave types.

Antennas and the Physical Body - Discover how the the human body is like an antenna and how we can tune to different frequencies.

Multi-Antenna Arrays - Participating in group meditations and exercises works like a large array of antennas to focus a signal. Find out how.

Near-Field and Far-Field Radiation Patterns - The broadcast radiation pattern from an antenna is comprised of two very different fields. See how these work and how they are used for both meditation and MRI technology.

Impedance - What keeps your antenna from being properly tuned and receiving higher frequencies?

Be sure to subscribe to the RSS feed of this blog to have each post delivered directly to your email or feed reader.
